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Welcome to Dickinson Township



Good news! Dickinson Township partners with new trash vendor and our residents will save money.

  1. The Waste Management contract ends on March 30, 2025 and the Township was required to negotiate a new contract.
  2. The cost to stay with Waste Management was due to increase to $119.70 per quarter for standard trash service. The new cost with Apple Valley Waste will be $76.50 per quarter for standard trash service. This is a savings of $43.20 per quarter.
  3. Switching to Apple Valley Waste saved money for all residents of the Township. Not only the full-service rate but also for the bag option!!
  4. Your pick-up date might have been changed. Be sure to check your packets or the links below for more details.
  5. Please note that glass is no longer accepted in the recycling container but is allowable in the general trash bins.
    • You may be confused as to why glass is not longer accepted. Broken glass will contaminate other paper and plastic products when they are mixed together. Therefore, it makes it difficult, if not impossible, to accept glass.

NEW TRASH HAULER CONTRACT – Beginning on March 31st, Apple Valley Waste (Parks) will be your new trash and recycling hauler in Dickinson Township. Every resident should be receiving a welcome packet from Apple Valley Waste which includes important information such as pricing, pickup schedule, how to register for your account and what to do with your old carts during this transition. If you do not receive one, the information is included in the links below. Please pay close attention to the pickup schedule as this will be changing for some residents.

New accounts with Apple Valley Waste have been automatically created for each resident and preset with your current choice of either the cart or bag system per your existing trash contract with Waste Management. If you would like to switch from a cart to the bag system, or vice versa, then you will need to call the phone number listed in the packet. Each residence will receive a recycling cart no matter which option they go with.****Bag customers will need to call 304-724-1834 to pay for their bags before they will be delivered.

New carts from Apple Valley Waste will start arriving between March 20th and March 28th.  Do not use these carts until the week of March 31st when the new contract starts.

After Waste Management has made their last trash pickup between March 24th and March 28th, make sure to leave your carts out until they are picked by another crew from Waste Management. Due to the amount of carts that they will be collecting, this will take a few days to complete so please be patient.

****Apple Valley Waste does not accept glass bottles as recycling due to the glass fragments contaminating paper and cardboard recyclables. Once paper and cardboard recyclables are contaminated, paper recycling companies do not want to accept them which then causes the material to be hauled to the landfill as trash. Glass bottles and jars can be thrown into your trash cart or bag.

Apple Valley Waste – Welcome Packet

Street Pickup Days

Pickup Schedule Map


FOOD PROCESSING RESIDUALS (FPRs):  To file a complaint with DEP regarding the spreading of FPRs, you can now call 866-255-5158 or click HERE to file online.

You can also call the PA Farm Bureau at 717-761-2740.


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